New updates and improvements to timeBuzzer.
March 13, 2025
What’s new:
- Mobile app: You can now add and manage tiles (client, projects, tasks etc.)

March 21, 2025
What’s new
API: Introduced new rate limits for all API key users — a maximum of 3 requests per second.
API: Added a new webhook event,
, which notifies you when an activity is deleted.
What we improved
API: Optimized tile and activity controllers for faster CRUD operations across select endpoints.
API: Updated API documentation to reflect recent changes.
- API: Enhanced error handling with more informative and accurate HTTP error responses.
March 13, 2025
What’s new:
- Desktop: Internal changes for improved app stability.
- Desktop: Fixed login interface for one of our partners.
March 5, 2025
What’s new:
- Web: You can now enter Hex codes for color selection, allowing for more precise customization.
- Web: Added a 20-minute rounding option.
- Web: Introduced a System appearance mode in profile settings—when enabled, the interface adapts to your OS theme automatically.
What we improved:
- Web: General performance optimizations.
- Web: Improved visibility of the archive for easier access.
- Web: Added confirmation dialogs when deleting time entries to prevent accidental removal.
- Web: Filters now dynamically adjust to show only items related to your previous selection.
- Web: Inactive members are now moved to a separate list for better organization.
What we fixed:
- Web: When editing time entries, the table will no longer reload and jump back to the first page.
- Web: Fixed a broken link on the account page.
January 17, 2025
Things we fixed:
- Desktop: Fixed a bug that caused archived customers/projects/etc. to be available for selection.
- Desktop: Fixed a bug that unnecessarily postponed synchronization of time entries in certain scenarios.
- Desktop: Fixed a problem that seldomly produced an error when saving a tracked time.
- Desktop: More internal improvements to enhance your overall experience with the app.
January 2, 2025
Things we fixed:
- Desktop: Fixed a bug that caused the timer to not stop on system shutdown.
December 31, 2024
Introducing timeBuzzer for Mobile 2.0
We’ve completely redesigned and rebuilt our mobile app from the ground up! The updated app features a fresh user interface, delivering an enhanced experience that aligns more closely with our desktop app.
What’s new:
› New user interface that is similar to desktop
› Add notes as you record instead of after the fact
› Easier navigation and better overview of time entries
› Added dark mode for night owls
› New app icon (also dark and tinted version for iOS)
You can now download it on the App Store and Google Play Store.

December 23, 2024
What’s new:
- Idle detection: if you have been idle for some minutes, the app will prompt you whether you want to cut off your running timer at the start of your idle time or keep it running.

- Advanced timer settings: A running timer will now stop automatically when your PC goes into sleep mode. Furthermore, there are new options in the settings to let the timer stop or start automatically at lock screen, at sleep mode or at app start.

- Notes in timeline: Time entries’ notes are now displayed in the timeline.
- Buzzer design: The buzzer in the app comes with a new light effect that is similar to the physical buzzer.

- Tiles (customer, projects, etc.) are synced more frequently.
- Fixed an issue that occasionally led to an error being displayed when saving a new time.
- Fixed an issue where removing a note from an already finished time entry did not work properly.
- Fixed an issue where in some cases the app was not opened when starting to use the buzzer.
December 11, 2024
What’s new:
- Lexware Office Integration (BETA)

How it connect Lexware Office:
- Go to
- Go to “Settings”
- Go to “Integrations”
- Connect “Lexware Office”
- Create an Lexware Office API Key
- Paste your API Key into the input field
- Click “Connect Lexware Office”
How the integration works:
- Go to “Time entries” page
- Set the date range and filters as needed
- Click on Export > Lexware
- Afterwards you can select for which customer you want to create an invoice in Lexware Office
- Define how time entries shall be grouped in the invoice postions
- Click on “Lexware Office Invoice”
- Afterwards you will be forwarded to your new invoice within Lexware with the prefilled data.
If you have questions or want to give feedback, feel free to reach out to us.
December 3, 2024
What we improved in the web console:
- When creating reports, the set sorting is applied.
November 5, 2024
Things we fixed:
- Fixed some issues when switching between timeBuzzer user accounts on the same app.
- CMD+W now hides the app on Mac.
October 24, 2024
What’s new in the web console:
- Implemented pagination and lazy loading for the time entries section, enabling efficient handling of larger datasets and improving loading performance.
- You can now easily select multiple time entries at once, across different paginated pages, with a live selection count showing how many you’ve selected—making it simple and quick to manage large lists.
October 21, 2024
What’s new:
- We added a guided app tour for new users to help you get started quickly. (Tray Menu > Start tour)

What we improved:
- Enhanced messages to provide clearer guidance when unexpected issues occur.
- To make the app behavior more intuitive, adding tiles is now only possible when there is a current selection in the previous layer.
Things we fixed:
- Fixed a bug where time entries could be deleted using a shortcut even when you weren’t in editing mode.
- Fixed a problem where new time entries created just after midnight would incorrectly extend into the future by default.
September 6, 2024
- What we improved
- Improved efficiency and reduced data load for tile-related queries, leading to significantly faster response times across all tile endpoints.
- Achieved substantial performance improvements, especially for larger datasets, ensuring quicker and smoother user experiences.
September 4, 2024
Things we fixed:
- The undo function for time entry changes is working again. It was accidentally turned off in the previous release
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the manual creation of time entries in the timeline to fail
- Fixed a bug where editing time entries would mistakenly set the seconds value to zero in certain cases
- Resolved a problem where network issues could cause the app to become unusable upon startup
- The timeline now automatically scrolls to the current time more consistently
- Fixed an issue with the buzzer not being recognized correctly in certain scenarios
August 19, 2024
What’s new:
- We have added a messaging system to our desktop app that notifies you when there are update or synchronization issues due to full memory or similar. This allows you to quickly resolve these issues so that your app always works smoothly.

Things we fixed:
- Fixed an issue where notes could be entered after the timer was stopped in the desktop app
- Fixed an issue where notes were not saved properly when entered or modified just before stopping the timer
- Fixed an issue where the button to add a tile was sometimes not clickable
August 9, 2024
Introducing “Member Assignment” and “Groups”
Today we are introducing two great new features called “Member Assignment” and “Groups”. These features will make managing teams with a larger number of tiles easier and more organized.

How it works in a nutshell:
- Admins and managers can now assign tiles (clients, projects, tasks etc.) to specific members
- Only if a tile is assigned to you it will be displayed in your apps, enhancing focus.
Admins and managers can assign tiles to members in the web console.
Introducing “Groups”
Admins can now combine multiple members into groups to make administration easier.
Member groups are useful if you want to assign certain tiles (customers, projects, tasks) to several members. Also when analyzing time you can easily get time spent by a group instead of having to select each member individually.
Admins can create groups in web console > Team > Groups

Feel free to try the new features and let us know what you think or if there is anything we can further improve. As always we greatly appreciate your feedback!
- We have introduced backend caching, laying the foundation for further performance improvements to the web console. We have started optimizing tiles, team and time entries pages, and more pages will follow soon. This will have a big impact on overall performance and user experience.
- The desktop app now also saves the window size in case the app is not closed properly (e.g. if the app is shut down while running).
- Text and UI improvements in web console
- We further improved our API documentation for developers. Also the new “member assignment” and “groups” features were added and can be used:
July 11, 2024
Things we fixed:
- Some important bug fixes and changes behind the scenes to enhance stability and improve your user experience
June 17, 2024
Things we improved:
- The “Show Favorites Only” option now hides non-favorite tiles in all layers, not just the first
- Time entries now automatically snap to each other when making adjustments in your timeline
- Improved the “Edit/add time entry” dialog for easier time adjustments
- You can now easily cancel tile search by pressing the ESC key or clicking outside the list
- If buzzer color is set to the second or third layer, the fallback color for unconfigured tiles is now a neutral gray for better consistency
- Clear indication when a typed note for a time entry exceeds the allowed length
- Improved dark mode colors to match your OS for a more native experience
- Many minor design improvements for a more consistent user experience
Things we fixed:
- Fixed an issue preventing the timer from stopping in a certain case
- Fixed several minor bugs to enhance overall stability and improve your user experience
May 22, 2024
Things we fixed:
- Fixed issue where making changes to a time entry failed in special cases
- Fixed issue where window size was sometimes not kept after minimizing
- Fixed several smaller bugs to enhance stability and user experience
Things we improved:
- Stay logged in automatically in the app
- Running timer is stopped and saved at system shutdown (in Windows app)
- Better info messages regarding automatic app update and potential errors
April 19, 2024
Things we fixed:
- Fixed issue that app was not starting properly on some Mac systems
Things we improved:
- Mac App can now be closed with right click “quit” on dock icon
- Internal improvements for increased stability
April 12, 2024
Things we fixed:
- Fixed issues with buzzer recognition
March 28, 2024
Things we fixed:
- Fixed issue where buzzer was not lighting up in some cases
- Fixed issue with buzzer recognition
- Fixed time entry synchronization with the web console
Things we improved:
- App can now be closed using an “exit” button in settings at “Account”.
- Several improvements that allow easier debugging
March 01, 2024
Things we fixed:
- Fixed issues with buzzer recognition
- Fixed an issue that caused time entries not to be synchronized with the web console in certain situations
- Fixed a display issue with specific screen resolutions on Windows
- Fixed a display issue after resuming from sleep mode
- Fixed some internal bugs
Februar 28, 2024
What’s new:
- You can now upload your organization’s logo for display in reports
- You can now give your reports customized titles
- You can now choose between “portrait” and “landscape” format for reports.

Things we fixed:
- Fixed an issue with empty layer names that caused enabling and disabling columns for reports to not work properly even if those layers were disabled.
Februar 05, 2024
- Report customization

- You can now customize your reports and export:
- Define which columns to include in your reports and exports
- Change exported date format
- Choose exported time format
- Choose exported duration format (New: Decimal format)
2. Time Rounding

- You can now enable automatic time rounding for your reports and exports. The exact original data is not changed!
- You can round up or down of all times to the nearest 1, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 30 or 60 minutes
Things we improved:
- When exporting to Excel or CSV, the time and date are now split to make further processing and importing in other systems easier
- Improved buzzer recognition if reconnected
- Improved and more robust offline mode handling
- Improved crash reporting system
Things we fixed:
- Fixed an issue that caused an occasional loss of time entries in certain scenarios
- Fixed an issue where new app updates were not displayed in individual scenarios
- Further minor bug fixes in desktop app
December 22, 2023
What’s new:
- MSI installer for Windows is now available
Things we improved:
- Added loading screen to avoid sync interruptions during app startup
- Improved hardware buzzer recognition
- Optimized sync and app caching
Things we fixed:
- Fixed an issue where tile lists wouldn’t open after using the search.
October 5, 2023
Things we improved:
- You can now mark favorites immediately when adding new tiles
- You can now easily copy the API code to your clipboard
- Added a border around charts for better contrast
September 15, 2023
We are excited to release this major update for the desktop app!
We’ve been working for months to further improve your experience with our desktop app. The update includes great new features, many improvements and also some bug fixes. We highly encourage you to update to the latest version.
Thanks to all that regularly give us feedback. You are helping us to build something really great with timeBuzzer!
Have fun with it! If you have any feedback, let us know:
What’s new:
1. NEW AND IMPROVED BUZZER CONCEPT: Introducing an improved way for opening and closing the app via the proximity sensor making it even faster and more frcitionless.
- The app is now closed immediately when minimised, the countdown timer has been completely removed
- You can now choose between 3 different modes (Lite, Standard, Ultra) of how the app should behave when interacting with the buzzer. For more information on the different modes, see the desktop app settings.

2. CHOOSE LAYER FOR COLOR: You can now set from which layer colors are displayed in the desktop app and also on the buzzer.
Each user can choose their preferred setting:
- Go to the desktop app settings
- Go to “buzzer” settings
- Select the layer from which you’d like to display the color
- Click save
Tip: You may not have set different colours for this layer in the web console. Go to the web console and change the colours there.

3. EDIT START TIME: You can now edit the start time of current time entries by clicking with the mouse on the beginning of the current time entry and dragging it to the desired start time.

4. UNDO: You can now undo the last action in the timeline.

5. SNAPPING: Time entries snap now to the next 1min, 5min, 15min, 30min depending on the zoom level.
Things we improved:
- When moving time entries in the timeline, the previous position is now displayed
- You can now zoom out further to see more of your day at a glance
- Desktop app now retains the last tile selection even after restarting or syncing the app
- Whenever a new tile is added within the app, it is now automatically selected
- Improved search performance for very large amounts of tiles
- Improved keyboard shortcuts.
- Improved display of time entries with archived tiles
- Improved app behavior at midnight transition
- The position of the buzzer in the app is now saved.
- Improved design of hover info boxes
- Improved click n drag and drag n drop experience
- If no tiles are available in sublayers, the timer starts right after the selection
- On macOS, the app icon is now hidden in the dock when the setting is enabled
- On macOS, the app no longer automatically adds login items for autostart
- Improved window behavior when opening and minimizing the app
- Improved automatic syncing
- Improved design of the desktop app settings, making it even more understandable
- Improved appearance of the app on smaller screens and lower resolutions
- Implemented debug mode, which enables faster and better help in support cases
- More small design, performance and interaction improvements
Things we fixed:
- Fixed an issue that caused time entries to not display correctly after manually syncing
- Fixed an issue that caused a duplicate time entry with offline mode
- Fixed an issue that caused the LED not to light up after sleep mode
- Fixed an issue that caused the LED not to light up after reconnecting during active timers
May 18, 2023
Things we improved:
- Minor UI improvements in web console
Things we fixed:
- Minor bug fixed in web console
March 11, 2023
Things we fixed:
- Fixed an issue that caused the timeline not to refresh on a new day.
- Fixed an issue that caused tiles to appear twice in the third layer dropdown in edit mode
- Fixed an issue that caused the app to flicker when opened via buzzer (Windows and macOS)
March 07, 2023
Things we improved:
- The selection automatically jumps to the next layer if there is only one tile in a layer. (Also backwards)
- Do not open window directly on tray icon click on macOS
- Improved update experience on Linux
Things we fixed:
- Fixed an issue that caused the buzzer not to work when other USB devices were plugged in
- Fixed an issue that caused an incorrect tile to be selected when there was only one tile in the layer.
- Fixed an issue that caused the dropdown menu to appear above the dropdown in edit mode on small screens.
March 07, 2023
Things we improved:
- The size of the window can now be set smaller
- Improved design of adding tiles
- Improved program icon for macOS
- Improved update experience on macOS
Things we fixed:
- Fixed an issue that caused sub layers to display a different font size than set.
- Changed broken icon in the info box of time entries under macOS.
February 28, 2023
Things we fixed:
- Fixed an issue that caused time entry notes to be lost when editing in the timeline.
February 24, 2023
What’s new:
- Buzzer settings: You now have the option to enable or disable the buzzer’s proximity sensor. The default setting is enabled and provides a smooth app experience. However, in some environments, the proximity sensor may be too sensitive, causing the app to open and close unintentionally. In this case, we recommend disabling this feature.
Things we improved:
- We have improved the display of information when hovering over time entries in the timeline.
- If you are logged in to the desktop and open the web console from there, you will be automatically logged in to your account there without having to re-enter your credentials.
- The app is now synced more frequently.
- You will receive additional feedback in the app when the buzzer is successfully plugged in or unplugged.
- The position of the buzzer in the app is now saved.
- The buzzer now takes on the color as soon as it is plugged in.
Things we fixed:
- Fixed an issue that caused the app to flicker when typing a note.
- Fixed an issue that caused no time entries or transparent time entries to be displayed after an app restart.
- Fixed an issue that caused the buzzer not to be detected on Windows machines in some cases.
- When the app was launched without an internet connection, the app could no longer be opened without resetting the cache. This problem is now fixed.
February 2, 2023
What’s new:
- Added an alternative way to manually add time entries via a button in the timeline tools
Things we fixed:
- Fixed an issue that caused the buzzer to light up only blue under macOS
January 15, 2023
Whats’ new:
- The automatic closing function can now be set to 0 seconds to enable immediate closing (when using the buzzer).
Things we improved:
- Users can now log out without exiting the app at the same time
- A new tooltip helps to understand when no internet connection is available
- The account information has been moved to settings
- Improved text descriptions and translations in settings
- Several design improvements
Things we fixed:
- Fixed time offset +00:00
- The timeline section is no longer cut off on large screens
November 7, 2022
Things we fixed:
- Minor bug fixes
October 27, 2022
Things we fixed:
- Prevent multiple online status calls
- Avoid multiple subscription to main-window-opened
September 23, 2022
What’s new:
- Stable version
- Settings > Advanced: Subscribe to beta update channel added
- Standard update channel: latest (stable)
Things we fixed:
- Allow add new tiles while filter is active
August 26, 2022
Things we fixed:
- Fix login issue
August 25, 2022
Things we fixed:
- Some users had to re-enter their login data every time after a PC restart. These now remain stored even when the PC is restarted, unless the user actively logs off.
July 18, 2022
Things we improved:
- Improved logging for better support in support cases
July 14, 2022
Things we improved:
- Spell checking disabled
Things we fixed:
- Prevent adding multiple tiles when double-clicking the “Quick Add” button
July 1, 2022
What’s new:
- Settings > Advanced: Show favorites only in first layer.
This feature is especially useful for large teams with many clients/projects. In this way, each user can mark his favorites for himself and only these will be displayed in his app.
Things we improved:
- Setting translations
Things we fixed:
- Broken URL to web console dashboard
April 27, 2022
Things we fixed:
- Autoupdater was not displayed on Windows devices. All features and improvements from 3.1.0 now available for Windows. See what’s new below.
April 21, 2022
What’s new:
- Quick Add
- Admins and managers can now quickly add tiles directly in the desktop app

- Reminders & Notifications
- App can now notify you when the timer is started
- App can now remind you after X minutes of active recording
- App can now remind you to take a break at a defined time.
- App can now remind you to track time if time has not been startet during working hours.
Make sure you allow notifications from timeBuzzer in your operating system.

- App supports now Apple M1 Silicon arm64 (Universal download for arm64 and x64)
More new features:
- Time entries can now be easily edited manually using input fields.

- General settings
- Choose from three different designs for the tray icon to perfectly match the design settings of your operating system. (Colored/ Black/ White)
- Enable the app to start in the background at system startup.
- Hide the program icon in the taskbar.
- Advanced settings:
- Change the steps at which the time entries snap to during editing.
- Set a key combination to open and close the app via keyboard.
- Proxy Firewall: Added information about firewall settings
- Account settings: In addition to the tray menu, you can now also log out and exit the app in the settings
Things we improved:
- App login redesign
- Improved login window design
- Link to the settings added
- Simplified login via partner solutions
- App settings redesign
- Display app version number in settings window
- Save & Restart with one click in settings window
- If you click & drag a new time edit mode is automatically opened
- App displays the colors of the tiles in the edit mode drop-down menu for faster selection
- Smoother behavior of the app when minimizing
- App is closed immediately if user is not logged in and there is no other window open
- App indicates when you are offline and synchronization with the cloud is not possible.
- Improved text and translations
- Improved help tags
- The buzzer in the app can be dragged to the right, making it easier to select for people who use long tile names.

Things we fixed:
- Running time entries were sometimes not displayed in the timeline.
- Footer buttons cannot be operated on very small screens with low resolution.
January 28, 2022
What’s new:
- Setting: Turn off LED
Setting: Change buzzer rotation
Things we fixed:
- The problem that some time entries disappeared in the timeline and were only displayed again after synchronization is now fixed. The error occurred when a line break was used in the notes field.
Things we improved:
- Minor design improvements in app settings
January 23, 2022
Things we fixed:
- The buzzer is now detected every time it is plugged in, even if the app is already open.
- Long tile names no longer cause display problems in edit mode, which prevented dropdowns from being operated.
- Other minor bug fixes
Things we improved:
- New installer is now shipped with the update
- In addition to the system installation, a user installation is now also possible.
- The app is restarted automatically after installation and update
January 19, 2022
Things we improved:
- Improved midnight transition
- Minor design improvements (e.g. color for disabled zoom buttons in timeline tools in dark mode.)
- Improved update process: display of installation progress and possibility to run app directly afterwards.
Things we fixed:
- Minor bug fixes
January 04, 2022
Things we fixed:
- Note fields: Spacebar and arrow keys work again
December 26, 2021
What’s new:
- Introduction: Long buzzer click to go back in the layers
Things we improved:
- Buzzer LED flashes when jumping back
- Removed “indicator mode”
- Autoforward deactivated when there is only 1 tile in a layer
- Hide search on empty layers on app start
- Improved update message (inkl. changelog link)
- Disable closing timer when focus is in layer
- Set standard closing timer from 5s to 3s
- Improved visibility of the automatically closing timer (color optimization)
Things we fixed:
- Minor bug fixes
November 24, 2021
Things we improved:
- Add display of favorites
- Restore theme color at startup
- Settings: Choose language dropdown
- Space behind midnight
- Stop resizing/draggin at midnight
- Minor performance optimizations
Things we fixed:
- Linux window height fixed
- Sort tiles by name
- Settings: Fix intial fontsize dropdown
- Settings: show intial values of fontsize and timer
November 9, 2021
Things we improved:
- Synchronization does not change the position and zoom of the timeline anymore
- Long time entries no longer “run” out of the window
- Tile list now loads more smoothly and no longer causes flickering.
- Record display optimized
- Height of time entries increased
- Background color of empty layers
- Styling of search tiles when no search was found
- Quitting the application under MacOS with CMD+Q
- Quitting the application under MacOS in the menu
Things we fixed:
- Removed decimal places in the timeline
- Full hours are now correctly displayed as :00 instead of :60
- Synchronization while time is runningno longer causes color changes of the time entries
- The colors of the activity tools are now displayed correctly when a time entry has been edited
- Other minor bug fixes
November 6, 2021
Things we fixed:
- Error handling gobal tiles
- Other minor bug fixes
October 18, 2021
Things we improved:
- The window size is now saved so that the window retains its size when reopened
- The app can now also be closed on Macs via the closing button in the title bar without closing the application completely.
- It is prevented that app is completely closed. Instead, the window is only hidden.
- On Mac and Linux, the “minimize” and not the “hide” function is used to hide the app window.
- When the window opens, the focus is automatically set to the comment input field
- Minor bug fixes
November 2, 2021
What’s new:
- Choose language in general settings
Things we improved:
- The window size is now
- Improved display of long tile names in the selection bar
- Added link to registration form to login window
- “Show current time” scrolls now to 70% window with
- ESC or click outside selection bar does not start the timer.
- LED does not turn off anymore after 1 second of tracking