Detailed report

In this article you will learn more about the “Time entries” tab in timeBuzzer.

The “Time entries” tab shows you a detailed report with all time entries of you and your team and allows you to manage, filter and export them.

Video: How it works

Filter time entries

  • Select a date range
  • Filter by team members, layers and tiles (your clients, projects, tasks etc.), notes, billable status

Manage time entries

Create a report

  1. Select date range
  2. Set and apply filters
  3. Click on “Generate report” to create a PDF report

Export data

  1. Select date range
  2. Set and apply filters
  3. Click on “Export” and choose “XLSX” or “csv”

Team privacy

Only administrators and managers can view, filter and export team member data. Detailed report data from regular users is limited to their own data. Learn more about roles and permissions.

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