Roles and permissions

Updated on November 28, 2024

In this article you will learn more about roles and permissions within timeBuzzer.

How does it work? #

With the help of different user roles you can decide who can see and do what. There are three user access levels:

  • Admins, which can see and edit everything
  • Regular users, who can mainly record time and see their own data
  • Managers, who can use more administrative features and can see team data

Roles and their privileges #

Below is a detailed overview of which roles can see and do what.

Regular user #

Regular users have access only to their own data and can:

  • Track time
  • Edit their own time
  • View “Me” insights
  • Create reports (Only own data)

Manager #

Managers have access to data of all team data and can:

  • Track time
  • Edit their own time and of their team members
  • Add time for their team members
  • View “Me” and “Team” insights
  • Create reports (Team data)
  • Manage tiles
  • Manage team

Administrator #

Admins have access to data of all team members and can:

  • Track time
  • Edit their own time and of their team members
  • Add time for their team members
  • View “Me” and “Team” insights
  • Create reports (Team data)
  • Manage tiles
  • Manage team
  • Setup and customize layers
  • Manage account
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